In Jena: Week 95 (백팩, λΌμ΄ν”„μΉ˜νžˆ 놀이곡원)
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이번 μ£ΌλŠ”… Manuscript revision… 백팩 도착! λΌμ΄ν”„μΉ˜νžˆ 놀이곡원 2022. 06. 22. μˆ˜μš”μΌ 백팩 도착! 거진 1λ…„ λ™μ•ˆ κ³ λ―Όν•œ κ²°κ³Ό… μ˜ˆλ‚˜, 에어푸λ₯΄νŠΈ, 라이프

In Jena: Week 94
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이번 μ£ΌλŠ”… Manuscript revision… λΆ€λŒ€μ°Œκ°œ with μΉ˜μ•ˆ&휘 폭염 κ·Έλ¦Ό ν•˜λ‚˜λ§Œ μΆ”κ°€ν•˜λ©΄ λ“œλž˜ν”„νŠΈ μˆ˜μ •μ•ˆμ΄ μ™„μ„± 될 μ˜ˆμ •… 2022. 06. 17. κΈˆμš”μΌ νœ˜κ°€ λ―ΈνŒ…ν•˜

In Jena: Week 93 (λ‹Œν…λ„ 슀포츠, λΌμ΄ν”„μΉ˜νžˆ)
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이번 μ£ΌλŠ”… Manuscript revision… μ“°μœ„μ™„λ„€μ„œ 저녁+λ‹Œν…λ„ μ‡Όν•‘ in λΌμ΄ν”„μΉ˜νžˆ 2022. 06. 10. κΈˆμš”μΌ μ“°μœ„μ™„(Siyuan)λ„€μ„œ ν› κΆˆ + λ‹Œν…λ„ μŠ€μœ„μΉ˜. 휘(Hui)λž‘ μ“°

In Jena: Week 92 (μΈμŠ€λΆ€λ₯΄ν¬, MPI-BGC 25th Anniversary)
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이번 μ£ΌλŠ”… μ˜€μŠ€νŠΈλ¦¬μ•„ μ—¬ν–‰: Innsbruck MPI-BGC 25th Anniversary 2022. 05. 30. μ›”μš”μΌ μΈμŠ€λΆ€λ₯΄ν¬ μΉ΄λ“œ μ΄ν‹€μΉ˜λ₯Ό 샀닀. 이거 있으면 λͺ¨λ“  κ΅ν†΅μˆ˜λ‹¨κ³Ό μž…μž₯ꢌ이 λ¬΄λ£Œλ‹€. 값은 60유둜

In Jena: Week 91 (EGU, 빈, μž˜μΈ λΆ€λ₯΄ν¬, μΈμŠ€λΆ€λ₯΄ν¬)
· β˜• 6 min read · ✍️ Hoontaek Lee
이번 μ£ΌλŠ”… EGU μ˜€μŠ€νŠΈλ¦¬μ•„ μ—¬ν–‰: Wien, Salzburg 2022. 05. 23. μ›”μš”μΌ 아침은 ν˜Έν…”μ‹ λ·”νŽ˜. λ‚˜λŠ” 항상 μ½”μ½”νŒμŠ€+μŠ€ν¬λž¨λΈ”λ“œμ—κ·Έ+μ†Œμ‹œμ§€+ν–„+였이+μš”κ±°νŠΈ. 좘휘

In Jena: Week 90 (빈)
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이번 μ£ΌλŠ”… 좘휘 생일 Manuscript revision… preparation for EGU Wien으둜 이동 2022. 05. 16. μ›”μš”μΌ 좘휘 생일. 미역ꡭ을 끓여봀닀. 2022. 05. 18. μˆ˜μš”μΌ 좘휘, 첸웨이, μ“°μ™„μ΄λž‘ 타코. 2022.

In Jena: Week 89
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이번 μ£ΌλŠ”… Manuscript revision… IMPRS course: Career Planning for Scientists BGC Spring party 피검사 κ²°κ³ΌλŠ” 이상 무… 기침은 점점 μ’‹μ•„μ§€λŠ” λ“―? 2022. 05. 10. ν™”μš”μΌ 좘휘의 두 번째 S-talk. μ΄λ²ˆμ—λŠ” Zo

In Jena: Week 88 (좕ꡬ κ΄€λžŒ, κ³ ν™”λ„€ 저녁)
· β˜• 2 min read · ✍️ Hoontaek Lee
이번 μ£ΌλŠ”… Manuscript revision… μžκ°€κ²©λ¦¬ 어버이날 λ‹€μŒ μ£Ό μ›”μš”μΌμ— 피검사 γ„±γ„± 2022. 05. 05. λͺ©μš”일 BGC seminar EEBIOMASS workshop 2022. 05. 05. κΈˆμš”μΌ μ‹œλ‚΄ 인도 컀리 κ°€κ²Œμ— 저녁 먹으러 κ°”λ‹€. μ‹œμ™„,

In Jena: Week 87 (λͺ¨μ°Œ μ‚°μ±…)
· β˜• 2 min read · ✍️ Hoontaek Lee
이번 μ£ΌλŠ”… Manuscript revision… μžκ°€κ²©λ¦¬ μ—¬μ „νžˆ 기침은 지속. λ‹€μŒ μ£Ό 쀑에 병원 λ‹€μ‹œ γ„±γ„± 2022. 04. 25. μ›”μš”μΌ μΆ˜νœ˜κ°€ μ˜ˆλ‚˜λŒ€ν•™κ΅ 농ꡬ μˆ˜μ—…μ— λ“±λ‘ν–ˆλ‹€. 였랜만의 농ꡬ. λ‚˜

Paper Review: Zhang et al., (2018). domimant_timescales_and_regions_of_global_NEE
· β˜• 2 min read · ✍️ Hoontaek Lee
24 April, 2022 (Zhang, gcb, domimant_timescales_and_regions_of_global_NEE) Zhang, X., Wang, Y.-P., Peng, S., Rayner, P. J., Ciais, P., Silver, J. D., Piao, S., Zhu, Z., Lu, X., & Zheng, X. (2018). Dominant regions and drivers of the variability of the global land carbon sink across timescales. Global Change Biology, 24(9), 3954–3968. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.14275 Zhang et al. used the Fourier transformation to attribute variance of carbon cycle components to multiple time scales (from interannual to multi-decadal scales).

In Jena: Week 86 (λͺ¨μ°Œ μ‚°μ±…)
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이번 μ£ΌλŠ”… Manuscript feedback discussion with Sujan and Martin μžκ°€κ²©λ¦¬, νœ΄μ‹ κΈˆμš”μΌλΆ€ν„° μ˜€ν”Όμ…œ λ„€κ°€ν‹°λΈŒ. ν•˜μ§€λ§Œ μ—¬μ „νžˆ 기침은 지속. λ‚˜λŠ” κΈ°μΉ¨ ν•œ 번 λ‚˜λ©΄ 였래 κ°„λ‹€. μΆ˜νœ˜λŠ” 이제 κΈ°

Paper Review: Green et al., (2022). LST/Tair, a remote sensing-based indicator of vegetation water stress
· β˜• 2 min read · ✍️ Hoontaek Lee
23 April, 2022 (Green, gcb, lst_over_tair) Green, J. K., Ballantyne, A., Abramoff, R., Gentine, P., Makowski, D., & Ciais, P. (2022). Surface temperatures reveal the patterns of vegetation water stress and their environmental drivers across the tropical Americas. Global Change Biology, 28(9), 2940–2955. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16139 Green et al. introduced the ratio of land surface temperature (LST; temperature of the top canopy) to air temperature as an indicator of vegetation water stress. I was particularly interested in their analysis using random forest and the Shapley value to quantify the effect (e.

In Jena: Week 85 (ν›ˆνƒ μ½”λ‘œλ‚˜)
· β˜• 1 min read · ✍️ Hoontaek Lee
이번 μ£ΌλŠ”… μžκ°€κ²©λ¦¬, νœ΄μ‹ λΆ€ν™œμ ˆ 휴일 (λͺ©μš”일 ~ μ›”μš”μΌ) μΆ˜νœ˜λŠ” ν† μš”μΌμ— μŒμ„± νŒμ •. ν•˜μ§€λ§Œ κΈ°μΉ¨ 증상은 지속. 2022. 04. 11. μ›”μš”μΌ 혼자 μž₯보기. κ°„ κΉ€