Paper Review: Syed (2008). GRACE_GLDAS. wr.

· β˜• 1 min read · ✍️ Hoontaek Lee
  • #2021
  • #Research
  • #Paper review
  • 21 June, 2021 (Syed, wr, GRACE_GLDAS)

    Syed, T. H., Famiglietti, J. S., Rodell, M., Chen, J., and Wilson, C. R. (2008), Analysis of terrestrial water storage changes from GRACE and GLDAS, Water Resour. Res., 44, W02433, doi:10.1029/2006WR005779.


    This paper seemed like one of early TWS studies using the GRACE observation. I felt it as a classical one, so decided to read through, focusing on figures and the conclusion.

    Message: latitudinal dominant TWS component

    Dominant TWS pool Dominant TWS flux
    High latitudes Snow water equivalent Snowmelt-derived runoff
    Mid latitudes Soil moisture Evaporation
    Low latitudes Soil moisture Precipitation

    Their message can be summarized with this table.

    All the figures below support this conclusion, except for the global map of major river basins.

    Other messages include:

    • Some major river basins dominate the global TWS variability
    • Models w/o ground water and surface water processes showed a limitation in interpreting results due to the lack of information.
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    Hoontaek Lee
    Hoontaek Lee
    Tree-Forest-Climate Researcher

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